Listed Buildings in the Ribble Valley

Listed Buildings

Many buildings in the Ribble Valley are listed to preserve their character. The test for listing is 'architectural or historic special interest' and the final decision to list a building is taken by the government (The Department for Culture, Media and Sport).

A building becomes listed when one of a number of legal procedures are applied to it. These legal procedures help to protect special buildings. When a building is listed it is placed on a List compiled by Historic England, who are the official body responsible for maintaining the List.  You can view the List and search to find out whether any site is listed on the Historic England website.  If you are the owner of a listed building, Historic England has useful guides to maintaining and carrying out work to such buildings.

You will need to get listed building consent if you want to demolish any part of or the whole of a listed building, or alter it in any way which would affect its character, whether the alterations are inside or outside the building, or even just in the curtilage of the Listed Building.

Ask us for advice even if you only intend to make repairs, as the effect of  repairs on a listed building is not always straightforward. Submit a Pre-application enquiry on the relevant form (please note these are not always free of charge)  Remember, you can be prosecuted if you alter a Listed Building without the necessary Listed Building Consent.