Countryside Management Grants

Ribble Valley Borough Council are directly and indirectly involved in a number of projects aimed at conserving, enhancing and protecting our countryside and natural environment. The Council aims to encourage active land management for the purposes of biodiversity, landscape visual amenity, and public access. Grants are available from a number of sources including:

There are a wide range of grants designed to conserve, enhance and protect those natural areas considered to be important, including:

  • Woodlands - enhancement of protected, and ancient woodland
  • Trees - to prolong the life of prominent, veteran, and ancient trees
  • Tree and Woodland Planting
  • Field Boundaries - maintenance of important hedgerows, stone walls and other historical boundaries
  • Ponds and Wetland areas
  • Footpaths and Bridleways - maintenance of prominent routes, repairs to styles, kissing gates and signs
  • Historical Features

The nature and extent of a proposed scheme will determine the appropriate grant source.

Grants to conservation groups 

Grants may also be made available to conservation groups in order to assist with larger scale projects. Please contact the Countryside Officer for more information.


Telephone: 01200 414499

Address: Ribbl-e Val ley Borough Council, Plann-ing Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA