Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme (HARP)

The Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme (HARP) is a scheme to replace sections of the Haweswater Pipeline. The Aqueduct is a 110km pipeline which runs from the Lake District, through Lancashire and into Greater Manchester. Completed in the 1950’s, the pipeline needs essential maintenance to ensure it can continue to supply customers. The proposed plans include the replacement of six tunnel sections along the pipeline route and nine planning applications have been submitted across seven local planning authorities for approval to carry out the work.

Two sections of the replacement pipelines are within the Ribble Valley and the development has been subject to two planning applications to the Local Planning Authority. Both applications were considered by Planning and Development Committee on 16 March 2023. Committee resolved to approve both applications subject to confirmation from the Secretary of State that the applications would not be called in and subject to the satisfactory completion of a Legal Agreement.

On 19 July 2023 the Secretary of State decided not to call in the applications, content that they should be determined by the Local Planning Authority.

On the 19 January 2024 both legal agreements were completed and the planning applications were approved.

Next Steps

United Utilities have confirmed that they are going through a procurement process to select a contractor who they hope will be on board in late 2024 and will be responsible for delivering this major programme of works. United Utilities are not anticipating starting any major construction activities before 2025 although they may need to carry out some further minor site investigation works before then. United Utilities will contact any impacted customers directly to notify them in advance.

United Utilities are undertaking archaeological trial trenching works in the Newton-in-Bowland and Bonstone compound areas.  Full details can be found in the Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme (HARP) – Survey work – Newton-in-Bowland and Bonstone compounds letter.

The works are due to start week commencing 22 July for approximately two months.  After the trenches have been investigated and refilled, the land will be reinstated

Further information about all the proposals relating to HARP can be viewed at  United Utilities – HARP (harpinformation.co.uk) or United Utilities can be contacted on 0345 672 3723 quoting project number 80061155.

Planning Applications