Unauthorised Gypsy Roma and Traveller Encampments

Unauthorised Gypsy Roma and Traveller encampments

From time-to-time Gypsies and Travellers will travel into the Ribble Valley area and set up an encampment on a piece of land. We have developed a partnership approach in response to unauthorised encampments and is committed to working with partner agencies, local politicians, businesses, the settled and travelling community to ensure that a consistent and appropriate response to encampments is taken.

Our partnership response is determined by who the owner of the occupied land is. Should the land be owned by the Local Authority the responsibility for dealing with the encampment lies with the Authority and they will determine what action to take. However, if the land is privately owned whilst  we and partner agencies will provide support, the responsibility for dealing with the encampment lies with the land owner and we will advise them to seek legal independent advice before taking any action.

When an unauthorised  encampment is identified, we will visit the site with partner agencies and carry out an assessment which takes into account the local environment, the welfare requirements of the travellers and impact the encampment is having on the settled community. We will also ask the travellers to abide by a code of conduct whilst they are staying in the local area.

A multi-agency meeting is organised with partner agencies and where applicable the landowner and based on the information discussed at this meeting an action plan which can include the use of eviction powers is agreed. Throughout the partnership response a communication strategy and reassurance operation which involves the travellers, local politicians, the landowner and the settled community is carried out.