Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)

What is the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)?

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a document that looks at potential new housing sites within the Ribble Valley. It forms a vital part of the evidence base that will inform the new development plan for the Ribble Valley. Although not allocation sites, the SHLAA highlights sites with the potential for housing development and indicates at what stage in the future these may become available.

The first SHLAA report was adopted by Planning and Development Committee in November 2009. You can download the adopted SHLAA report here.  A hard copy of the SHLAA report can also be viewed at Planning reception on level D of the Council Offices.

Accompanying the SHLAA report is a series of site plans and site detail proformas which make up the 'book of sites'. These are available to view at Planning reception on level D of the Council Offices.

Update of SHLAA "Call for Sites" - February 2013

As part of the update of its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment published in 2009 the Council provided the opportunity for additional sites to be put forward for consideration by issuing a "Call for Sites" from February 2013 to 22 March 2013. The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment provides part of the evidence base for the Core Strategy and is key in assessing the potential for the Council to deliver sufficient housing land over the plan period. Additional sites which were suggested will be assessed and the information used to inform the SHLAA update and the subsequent examination of the Core Strategy.

The suggestion of a site or its consideration as part of the SHLAA process does not imply on the Council's part that it will agree that a site has potential for housing; or that planning permission would be forthcoming for housing; or that it will be allocated for development in any subsequent Development Plan Documents.

The updated SHLAA was adopted in November 2013.  For more information please view The 2013 SHLAA report.  The accompanying book of sites is available to view at Planning reception, or copies can be obtained on disk by contacting Forward Planning.