Disabled Facilities Grants

Disabled Facilities Grants for Home Improvements

The Disabled Facilities Grant is available for adaptions to your home that will allow a disabled person to live independently in their home.

You can apply for a grant if you are:

  • a tenant or owner of a property
  • a landlord on behalf of a disabled tenant

The person who applies for the grant does not have to be the disabled person who needs the adaptations.

However, the person applying for the grant will be asked to sign a certificate stating that the disabled person will occupy the home being adapted for at least five years. The time can be shorter if the disabled persons need to move for health reasons.

Whoever applies for the grant must produce a certificate of ownership or tenancy.

What type of work is eligible for a disabled facilities grant?

Disabled Facilities Grants are awarded for essential adaptations to give a disabled person better freedom of movement around the house that the Occupational Therapist has reccommended. This work includes:

  • widening doors or installing ramps
  • providing a specially adapted room in which it is safe to leave a disabled person unattended
  • installing a stair lift so there is better access to a bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom installing a downstairs bathroom
  • providing bathing or showering facilities that can be accessed by the applicant

When a mandatory grant is available but the cost of the work exceeds the mandatory grant limit, it may be possible it access a discretionary grant.

Does the Council have to give me a disabled facilities grant?

The Council will have to ensure that the work is:

  • necessary
  • appropriate


  • reasonable
  • practicable
  • feasible

An occupational therapist will usually be consulted to ensure the work is necessary and appropriate for the disabled person.

The Council can refuse a grant if it believes the scheme does not fit these criteria.

How is the disabled facilities grant calculated?

The grant is means tested to ensure that those in the most need get the most help. However, the council have introduced a discretionary grant policy to assist those not eligable. This new discretionary grant is a Ribble Valley Adaption and is available to enable one item to be installed and the maximum value is £10000.

The mandatory grant is determined by the income and capital of:

  • the disabled person
  • the disabled persons spouse or partner
  • grants for children and young persons under the age of 19 are no longer means tested 

It will take into account:

  • a person's average weekly income
  • any savings above a set amount

Some benefits, especially those that recognise a person's disability are not included.

If your resources are less than your assessed basic needs you may need to make a contribution towards the costs of the works or you may be able to apply for a discretionary grant a Ribble Valley Adaptation.

How do I apply for a disabled facilities grant?

Contact Lancashire County Council on 0300 123 6720 and request an assessment by an Occupational Therapist. The Occupational Therapist will forward a recommendation for any works required to the Council. For more information please download the Disabled Facilities Grant Process.

You will need to make sure that any building regulation approval or planning permission has been granted before you start work.

You will not get any grant if you have started work before the Council has approved your application.

You must submit your application at the earliest opportunity.

You will be notified, in writing, within six months of receipt of your application, whether you have been given a grant.

How will the disabled facilities grant be paid?

The Council may pay the grant in instalments as the work progresses or once all the work has been completed.

Your grant will only be paid when the Council is satisfied that the work has been satisfactorily completed and in accordance with the grant approval.

Grants can only be paid on provision of:

  • an invoice
  • demand
  • receipt

The grant may be paid directly to the contractor or in a form that you can pay them once the work has been completed.

An invoice is not acceptable if it is for work or service provided by the applicant or a member of his or her family.

When work is carried out by the applicant or a relative, only invoices for materials or services that have been bought will be acceptable.

Local Housing Assistance Policy

The Council have adopted a number of discretionary grant schemes as set out within the Local Housing Assistance Policy. This sets out the availability of assistance that is in addition to the mandatory grant available.

The process for applying for each of the discretionary grants is as per the following process charts:

Applications for the Neurological Disorder Assistance Scheme can be made via: Neurological Disorder Assistance Scheme– Application Form


Telephone: 01200 425111

Address: Counc-il Of fices, ley Borough Council, Ribbl-e Val Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA