Protected Trees and Hedges

Trees in Conservation Areas

Are trees in conservation areas protected?

If a tree is within a Conservation Area and it is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) the usual process applies.

All other trees within Conservation Areas are protected if they are greater than 7cm diameter at breast height.

Can a Tree in an Conservation Area be Pruned or Felled?

In order to be able to carry out work to trees within a Conservation Area you need to submit a Notice of Intention using the tree works application form. This form should be submitted to the Planning Section, preferably in digital format (by email). You may also submit a notification online via the Planning Portal.

Once the Council has received the notice a 6 week period begins, during which the Council must decide whether to place the tree(s) under TPO or to allow the works as indicated within the notice. If you receive no response by the end of the 6 week period you may carry out the work by default but you must only carry out the work as indicated within your notice. Any work done over and above that indicated within the notice would be in breach of the Town and Country Planning Act and may result in a substantial fine.

Please note that any trees felled within a Conservation Area must be replaced unless the Council waives this requirement in writing.