Street Cleaning

The street cleaning service is operated 365 days each year with the staff undertaking a range of duties from litter picking, sweeping, removal of fly-tipping, flyposting and graffiti, picking up roadkill, leaf clearance and weedspraying.

The Street Cleansing service objectives are to:

  • Litter pick the streets in the town centre of Clitheroe, Longridge and Whalley on a daily basis.
  • Mechanically sweep the streets in town centres and high-density residential areas on a six-weekly cycle.
  • Regularly inspect all other areas and take any appropriate action.
  • Remove fly-tipped waste and large accumulations of litter within five working days of being notified.
  • Prosecute people who flytip where there is sufficient evidence to do so.

To report a street cleaning problem contact us at or 01200 425111.

Removal of leaf fall

We use four additional mechanical sweepers during October to February each year to assist with the removal of fallen leaves from the roads and footpaths.

Weed spraying

We carry out weed spraying on the roads and footpaths on behalf of Lancashire County Council. Weed spraying is carried out annually between May and September.

Removal of road kill

We provide a free service for the removal of dead animals from all public accessible areas. We do not remove dead animals from private residences.

Dog fouling

For information on dog fouling see the Dog warden service.

Contact Centre

Telephone: 01200 425111

Address: Council Offices, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA