Forms for Planning Applications

Use the links below to download the more common types of planning application forms for planning permission. Please note all these forms are in PDF format.  If you are sending your application to us in paper form please only send ONE set of documents.

If you would like to complete a planning application form online use the Planning Portal website

Please submit your application documents and fee at the same time. Your application will be invalid until we receive all of the required forms and documents. If you choose not to use the planning portal, we would prefer you to submit one full paper copy of your application. Emailed plans or applications can sometimes be stopped by our firewall.

Pre-application enquiries are not free and will not be validated without the correct information and fee. To submit a pre-application enquiry, please post us a signed, completed form, with the accompanying documents and fee.

Pre-application enquiry form and fee guidance

Validation Criteria

Schedule of planning fees - please note that all fees have increased from 6th December 2023

Please note: Ribble Valley Borough Council considers holiday lets to be commercial development and to fall outside the definition of a 'dwellinghouse'.  The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 define a 'dwellinghouse' as a building which is to be used as a single private dwellinghouse and no other purpose.  Therefore, where Ribble Valley Borough Council considers development to be for commercial holiday purposes the planning fee will be based on the floor area. 

For fee purposes commercial static caravans, camping pods, lodges and other similar developments will be treated as 'buildings' if the proposed development remains in situ for more than 10 months per year.  In these circumstances the fee charged will be based on the erection of a building.

When measuring floor space for fee calculation purposes gross floor space to be created by the development shall be ascertained by external measurement of the floor space, whether or not it is to be bounded (wholly or partly) by external walls.

Planning permission

Prior notification 

Listed building consent 

Advertisement consent

Amendments to planning permission

Outline planning permission and reserved matters

Discharge of conditions

Trees and hedgerows

Lawful Development Certificates

Hazardous Substances Consent

Permission in Principle


Telephone: 01200 414499

Address: Ribbl-e Val ley Borough Council, Plann-ing Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA