Planning for Businesses

Advertisements and planning

The advertisement control system covers:

  • posters and notices
  • placards and boards
  • fascia signs and projecting signs
  • pole signs and canopy signs
  • models and devices
  • advance signs and directional signs
  • estate agents' boards
  • captive balloon advertising
  • flag advertisements
  • price markers and price displays
  • traffic signs
  • town and village name-signs

If you want to display an outdoor advertisement or sign you may need to apply for advertisement consent. The planning system is concerned with the advertisement's size, appearance and positioning, including where you plan on putting it and what will be its surroundings. For more information see the planning document outdoor advertisements and signs.

Certain outdoor advertisements that do not usually need advertisement consent may need it if they are placed within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or within a Conservation Areas.

Some advertisements will always need advertisement consent.  These include:

  • virtually all posters
  • some illuminated signs
  • fascia signs and projecting signs on shop-fronts or business premises where the top edge of the sign is more than 4.6m above ground level
  • most advertisements on gable-ends

For more information see Do I need planning permission? and download the relevant advertisement planning form.