Planning Policy Consultation

Current Planning Policy Consultations

Current consultations

Housing and Economic Development, Development Plan Document - Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications Additional Housing Sites

Previous Planning Policy Consultations

For information on the planning policy consultations we have run in the past and which are now closed please select the relevant consultation from the list below. 

Housing and Economic Development DPD - Publication of Preferred Option (Regulation 19) (Closed 9 June 2017).

Housing and Economic Development DPD: Issues and Options Consultation (regulation 18) (Closed 7 October 2017).

Neighbourhood Planning - Regulation 16 Submissions. The council has published for consultation, the Submission Version of the Bolton by Bowland and Gisburn Forest Plan (This consultation has now closed).

Housing and Economic Development DPD - Submission to Secretary of State (Regulation 22) - This consultation has now closed (11 September 2017.