Planning Policy Consultation

Core Strategy: Generation of Alternative Options report

The findings of this consultation will be fed into the next Core Strategy report, which will be published for comment towards the end of this year and will be referred to as the Regulation 27 publication version Core Strategy, sometimes called the preferred option.  

This consultation aimed to determine what this 'preferred option' for Ribble Valley should be, by presenting some additional alternatives to those that have already been consulted upon (during the Reg 25 Core Strategy consultation document). These alternative options were developed based upon the feedback from the Reg 25 Core Strategy consultation. More information on the feedback that was received can be found in the Reg 25 Core Strategy Summary of Representations document.

The 'generation of alternative options document' set out a further five potential Development Strategy options, the point of which were to determine the general areas of the borough where development should and shouldn't be located.  This allowed for a total of eight possible options from which to choose a 'preferred option'.  

The consultation period allowed for comments to be made on these options and for respondents to choose their preferred option of the eight presented.

See The Core Strategy: Generation of alternative Development Strategy options.

What next?

The six-week consultation period has now ended and all comments recived during this time will be acknowledged, considered and combined with those recieved during the Reg. 25 consultation.  From this, the Regulation 27 stage Core Strategy report will be formulated.

More information on future (and past) stages of Core Strategy production can be found in the Core Strategy production process.